
Black Maid II (Sebastian x Reader x Claude) Ch. 10

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"What do you mean you're 'not finished with him yet'? You promised me Ciel Phantomhive!"

You rubbed your temples in growing annoyance the more you were in the company of Alois.

"Lord Trancy, you must have patience. Soon enough, due to the events that happened tonight, Ciel will have no choice but to make me his maid once again. When that happens, then he should receive an invitation to attend your ball. That way I won't have to show up individually and neither Ciel nor Sebastian will become suspicious of me."

You opened your eyes to notice the tight grip he had on the tablecloth.

"Claude! Leave us!"

Your gaze flickered to the butler as he bowed his head and turned, proceeding to leave the room. The moment the doors shut, he suddenly began laughing under his breath. You watched him carefully as your nails tapped the dining table.

"How stupid do you think I am? You're just using me, using Claude to do your dirty work. I'm tired of waiting, maybe I should just send out my servants to fetch him right now, or better yet when he's alone and most vulnerable."

Instantly, your nails stopped tapping. He rose his head to glower at you. However, that glower completely disappeared when he came to the realization that you were gone from your seat. He didn't have to search for long when he felt a hand snake over his shoulder and tightly squeeze it.

"Is that so?"

He jumped when he felt you and as he tried to turn around and stand, you pushed him back down, keeping one hand on him to hold him down.

"Now how do you plan to do that? See, I'm a bit confused, if you are made into a corpse, how can they receive this order?"

You felt his muscles tighten.

"Y-You dare to threaten me?"

He spun around in his chair to glare up at you.

"As long as you are in my house, you have no power to threaten me. You must be stupid to even consider it. Do you know how many demons are in this manor right now?"

Your eyebrow raised in amusement at his words; nothing, not a flinch, not a single damn thing. In one quick movement, you were leaning over to have your face an inch away from him.

His breathing hitched for just a moment at your eyes; a well of crimson red ink held a gaze more fearsome than a tiger.

"Listen here, boy. Your demons are mediocre and are little to nothing compared to me. "

Your hand reached out til one of your sharp nails went under his chin and raised it to make him stare at your wicked smile as your voice changed to a whisper.

"Your threats are nothing. Make the attempt to go near Ciel and you will be lying in a pool of your own blood before reaching 10 feet. Threaten him again...I dare you."

"--I really don't care."

The second your ears caught the ending part of a sentence, you snapped out of your memory and your eyes focused on Ciel, who sat directly across from you. You had to take a moment and scan the car to remember you and Ciel were on a train while Sebastian was off doing...something.

From examining the tense expression making up Ciel's face, whatever he was saying was very serious.

"Tell me the truth. Do you have any objections to being here?"

His question made a smile spread on your lips.

"Believe me, my Lord, there is no other place I wish to be than here."

His only response was a hum as he turned his head away to stare out the carriage window.

Your attention went to the door of the small room when it opened and Sebastian entered with a small tray of tea. After closing the door behind him, he placed the tray beside you and sat down next to it.

"Everything is in order, I had a chat with the conductor and he is unusually eager to allow us to start our investigation."

Following his sentence was the sudden vibration of an engine starting and with a jerk, it started off with a plunge, inching forward at an excruciating pace. It rocked back and forth, its relentless whining and groaning comparable to an elderly person.

It took a matter of seconds before the train official began moving at a fast pace and by glancing towards the glass, the scenery was stretching and moving fast.

Sebastian picked up the small pot of tea and tipped it over to pour out the contents into a cup beside it.

"Master, may I offer you a cup of tea?"

He softly chuckled to himself as he placed the pot down to its original spot on the tray.

"I've always found the scent of Williamson and the summer Darjeeling to be the perfect compliment to a train window, Wouldn't you agree?"

The moment he turned to offer Ciel his tea, he realized he wasn't even listening and only gazed out the window with his cheek resting on his fist.

You tilted your head at him and smiled.

"Come, my Lord. We are supposed to be acting as if we are on a holiday."

Placing a fist under your chin, you briefly looked towards outside the room.

"You don't want to be found out, do you?"

Leaning forward, you gently grabbed his chin just enough for him to look at you and you smiled warmly.

"Please, at least try to muster up a bit of levity."

He sighed and nodded.

"Yes, yes, I know."

Your eyes narrowed at his behavior as you slowly removed your hand from his chin. You moved your sight on Sebastian, whose smile had completely disappeared.

"You seem bothered. Have the Trancys so preoccupied you?"

Closing his eyes, Ciel let out a breath of air through his nostrils.

"They haven't. I am curious, of course. But for the moment, that's all."

Yes, for now.

"The Queen's orders take priority over all else."

He turned his head towards the door and moved the curtain aside to watch the man in the hallway clutching a bag to his chest.

"That's Lord Ackroyd, then. And the kidnapped boy was his only son."

You straightened back up and placed your hands in your lap as Sebastian also turned his attention to the man.

"Yes. If the police are informed, the hostage will be summarily killed. Instructions Lord Ackroyd received indicated he should deliver the ransom on this train."

You had to partially smile at the 'ransom', or rather the price demanded.

"And this ransom is to be of five thousand pounds. How droll."

Sebastian let out an amused hum as his smile once again appeared and he turned towards you.

"Is that the going rate for a boy's soul these days? Humans sure have an interesting way of pricing these things. Don't you agree, Y/N?"

You rose an eyebrow at his odd question.

What are you trying to get out of me, Sebastian?

Your eyes snapped back over to Ciel when you audibly heard his breath hitch. After watching this, you came to a realization.

That's right. Ciel still believes I am human. No wonder he's acting less annoyed with me than usual.

Tilting your head, you allowed a smirk to replace the smile on your face and you let it stay there for Sebastian to see.

You believe a question would be enough to have me crack...dear, it's a good thing you're handsome.

"The man responsible for the kidnapping must be on the train. We'll find him, take him to into custody and rescue Lord Ackroyd's son. That should dispell her mejesty's distress."

After frowning from your inner comment, Sebastian still kept his eyes on you as he answered Ciel.


There were a few moments of silence until Ciel sighed very loudly and stood up from his seat.

"I'll be back shortly. I have some business to attend to."

You hummed in curiosity.

"Business? What sort of busine--"

"Personal business, all right?"

"Would you like one of us to accompany y--"

"Damn it, I have to use the lavatory, all right!"

He had shouted abruptly, then turned, opened the door, left the room, and slammed the door behind him.

Placing your palm to your lips, you couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle. Yet, when you caught sight of Sebastian's hard gaze towards you, your laughing ceased.

"The young master is no longer in the room. Now, I believe you have some explaining to do."

He stood up when you did and instantly blocked your only way out of the room, which made you internally groan.

You knew that when tension was high you should inject love instead of anger, give him an olive branch instead of enmity, but sometimes it just wasn't that easy with Sebastian.

"Sebastian, I understand you may be a bit frustrated with me. However, I don't think now is the best time for us to be yelling at each other. So I am going to walk out of this room if you need time to come to terms with everything that has taken place over the past few weeks, but if you want to talk instead of shout, I am all ears."

Having the nerve to kiss him on the cheek and pat his chest, you made the attempt to step out of his way, but the moment your hand neared the door handle, his hand was on the door, keeping it in place.

"You truly are the most infuriating female I have ever encountered in my lifetime."

Whipping your head around to face him, your eyes flashed with anger.

"Listen here, you have no clue of what it feels to be completely forgotten by someone, after everything you have done to get that far of leaving your mark on them. You have no right to be angry with me only because I am unsteady about the neglect being shown to me."

You rose a finger to point right into his chest.

"You, the butler, he remembered. Honestly, you believed I would just let myself disappear from his life? From yours?"

His head went downwards to where his face hovered over yours.

"It is not just you that has disappeared from his memory. It's the angel, it's the fulfillment his soul once had before it was stolen away. You being here causes friction, your role was already played, the best thing for you now is to wait in the shadows until his memory is restored--"

The action of you stepping closer to him, and harshly poking him in the center of his chest caused him to be cut off.

"The only thing that needs to be restored is my place beside him. Don't you dare tell me where I should be."

He moved his hand to delicately cup your cheek.

"Y/N, you need to understand that--"

"No, you understand!"

Your hand shot out to his throat where you pushed his back and stared him up.

"I will do whatever it takes to ensure that I am standing beside Ciel and beside you. If anything, you should be down on your knees thanking me for a change. You know why? If it wasn't for this outrageous plan of mine, Ciel wouldn't have a goal at all."

Using all your force of strength, you backed him up and made him sit down on the seat provided and then proceeded to swing your leg over and sit o his lap.

Slowly, you released his throat and gently pulled his bottom lip down with one finger.

"Listen to me. I have a plan, and it is now complete. All I wanted was to be the Phantomhive maid again. That is all. Please don't be mad at me."

You dropped your head down and fidgeted with the buttons on his tailcoat. When you received no response, you stood up and stepped away from him.

"Very well. I suppose it is too late to say"

He suddenly stood up and you went quiet as his hand cupped your cheek.

It was soft and warm, reassuring almost, as If the owner of that hand sensed your need.

"Y/N, I want you to promise me something," He whispers, his expression utterly serious. "Don't ever leave my side again."

You couldn't help but smile cheekily. "My, don't tell me you actually missed me," You paused, silently staring into your favorite crimson red eyes, "That would be far too sappy for my tastes."

"Oh dear, what will I do with you?"

His lips were turned up into a tiny smile, as he held you tightly to his chest.

"I have an idea," You whisper, capturing his lips in a kiss that felt just right. The moment you touched, you felt that thrill erupting in your stomach as the warmth his lips radiated spread throughout the rest of your body. His lips were softer than usual and you opened your mouth with a loud moan.

"Ahem! Sebastian!"

Your eyelids fluttered open as you momentarily separated and turned your attention to Ciel, who had entered the room without either of you noticing.

His face was twisted into disgust and confusion.

"What the hell is going on in here?"

Almost instantly, you brought your hand to your mouth in a fake gasp and widened your eyes.

"C-Ciel! I-It's not what it looks like!"

He closed his eyes, tightened his jaw and stepped to the side.

"Y/N, could you wait in the hall? I need to have a discussion with Sebastian."

You quickly pulled away from his embrace and hurried out the door. The moment you left, the door shut by Ciel's hand and he turned an irritated gaze to his butler.

"Would you care to explain what just happened?"

That entire time, Sebastian had been staring at you with a perplexed, almost betrayed look as you stood outside the room with your arms crossed and a sly smile on your face.

"It appears I have to."

Feeling fairly good inside, you turned around, allowing them some privacy for Ciel to yell at Sebastian. However, you stopped turning when you caught sight of something. Or, rather, someone.

The smirk on your face slowly went away as you took a few steps down the hall towards the figure.

"What the hell are you doing here?"
Hi! Oh my God, I am so sorry for literally no updating for the past few weeks. This is the longest I have gone without writing and I feel really bad. Also, I know this is short, but I am lucky enough to have this much out because of personal reasons.


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